Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Around St. Charles County

October 2009 Calendar of Events

Saturday, October 3
Augusta Bottoms Beer Festival
Noon - 5 pm
Enjoy tastings, live music, and brewery items for sale plus a commemorative glass.

October 4-October 31
Pumpkin Fantasyland, Centennial Farms, Augusta
10-5 p.m. daily/11-5 p.m. Sunday
The farmstead is turned into "Pumpkin Fantasyland" with a whimsical collection of pumpkin figures dressed as farm folks, storybook characters and aliens. Hundreds of pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, and other fall decorations add to the color. Also apple picking and farm market.

Wednesday, October 7
Staying Healthy This Flu Season
6:30-8 p.m.
Progress West HealthCare Center Community Room
How much do you really know about the flu bug? Discuss transmission, symptoms, treatments and who should be vaccinated. Learn the difference between epidemics and pandemics.
Call 636.344.2273 to register.

Friday, October 9 - Saturday, October 10
Fall Festival and Craft Bazzar in O'Fallon with live music, children's activities, arts, crafts, and Log Cabin Museum tours. At the Civic Park 5-9 pm. Friday, 9am - 4pm Saturday.

Friday, October 9-Sunday, October 11
Builders Home & Remodeling Show
Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
St. Charles Convention Center
Find what you need for your home. More than 200 exhibitors and special presentations from free antique art appraisals to childrens’ activities and the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

October 9 - October 11
Bicentennial Cultural Heritage Festival
St. Charles
Various locations throughout the city.
During the second weekend in October, St. Charles continues its Bicentennial celebration with a Cultural Heritage Festival based on a series of parties, parades and concerts in local parks. The city's official anniversary weekend will feature a wide-range of fun, free, family-friendly events as follows:
Friday, October 9 in Frontier Park, 500 S. Riverside Drive - an evening event complete with live entertainment, food & beverages will kick-off the Bicentennial along the banks of the Missouri river.
Saturday, October 10 in Blanchette Park, 1900 W. Randolph Street - the St. Charles Bicentennial parade begins at noon with an old-fashioned picnic to be held in the park from 2 pm to 6 pm.
Sunday, October 11 in Wapelhorst Park, 1875 Muegge Road - this afternoon event will have an arts and culture theme featuring local talent. Visitors will also have an opportunity to take historical tours aboard the St. Charles trolley.


For more information call 636-255-6154 or visit

Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 am - 5 pm daily
Old Settler Days
Riverside Park, Kampsville, IL

This event on the banks of the Illinois River depicts the life and times of the early Calhoun settlers. Civil War re-enactment, carriage rides, fiddle contest, mountain-man activities, apple-butter making and other period demonstrations, food, crafts, and live entertainment.


Friday, October 16
NEW! Old Time Radio Mystery Shows
10 a.m.-12 noon
Java G’s Coffeehouse Café, 2031 Old Hwy 94S
Sponsored by the St. Charles Community College and OASIS, learn about the popular radio shows in the 1930s and 1940s, especially mystery shows. Discussion and audio examples
$9/age 50 and over

Friday, October 23 – Saturday, October 24
10 am - 4 pm
Calhoun County Communities, Brussels, IL

Take a relaxing drive through Calhoun County to see displays of beautiful quilts, exhibits and activities. Visitors can also take part in quilt demonstrations, quilt appraisals, supplies and sales. As a bonus, attendees will be able to take a driving tour of the county to see 20 barn quilts.

$8 in advance, $12 at the door
For more information call 618-576-2293

Friday, October 30
Trick or Treat on Main
3-5 p.m.
Enjoy a safe afternoon of trick or treating at various businesses for costumed children 12 years and younger. Stay for the Halloween Children's Theater in Frontier Park from 5:15-5:45pm. Main Street

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