Q: Please introduce yourself?
A: Jason Jacobs & Kyle Funk
Q: What is the name of your business?
A: Paragon Custom Homes
Q: Where is your business located?
A: Wentzville, MO but we service St Charles, Lincoln, Warren and St Louis Counties.
Q: Briefly describe what you/ your business does.
A: We are a custom home builder that offers quality homes and options at our cost.
Q: How many years have you been in business?
A: For over 1 year.
Q: What is your burning desire?
A: Our burning desire is to build quality custom homes for clients at the best dollar per dollar value by passing on options at our cost. We want everyone loving the home they built and knowing they received and equitable deal.
Q: What’s something not many people know about you?
A: One of our goals is to eventually donate homes to our church that can be used to help people get back on their feet from unfortunate life circumstances.
Q: Do you have a Website Address?
A: www.paragon-home.com
Q: What’s the best way for someone to get a hold of you if they have further questions?
A: I still believe in a phone call to intiate a personal meeting. We will communicate via email as well, but nothing takes the place of a real conversation. 314-780-0360 Jason or paragonpropertiesllc@yahoo.com
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